Working to Reduce Waste at Parsons Bakery

A whole lot of love goes into everything we home bake, here at Parson’s Bakery. We love to make enough for all our customers, but sometimes there are a few leftovers that need taking care of. We hate waste and work hard to ensure we do all we can to help reduce waste throughout the entire company. Here’s how we go about it.

Too Good to Go

For 2021 we saved 58,156 bags of waste going in the bin through partnering with Too Good to Go. Each week our savings convert to a saving of an average of 9,100kg of CO2. All our 48 sites are on the Too Good to Go platform with Magic bags going live at 4:15 pm for the next day.  Customers using Too Good to Go can pick up £12 of bakery products for only £3.99. It’s a wonderful way of treating the family to some home-baked treats. Do you use Too Good to Go? Let us know and share your Parsons Bakery goodies with us over on our Facebook page.


Supporting Our Local Farmer

In addition to Too Good to Go, any loaves that don’t sell are sent back to our bakery. From here they’re collected by a local farmer who converts them into animal food. This is a wonderful way of supporting the community and ensuring nothing goes to waste.

Bakery Overproduction and Confectionary Off Cuts

Any overproduction of bread in the bakery that isn’t required in the stores isn’t wasted either. We use this extra bread to create our vegan-friendly Bread Pudding. All our cakes are made by hand and hand-cut in our bakery. Sometimes we end up with too much cake (yes, there are occasions where ‘too much cake’ is a thing). In these circumstances, we make sure nothing goes to waste by using the extra off-cuts to create the legendary Moon Cake.

Recycling at Parsons Bakery

Each store is required to separate milk containers and plastics in store. These are them sent back to base where they can be responsibly recycled. We are consciously moving away from single-use where possible. We’re achieving this by:

·         Paper straws in stores

·         Biodegradable Ice Latte and Flat White cups

·         Paper bags for cakes and savouries

We continue to focus on being greener. Therefore, we’re constantly on the lookout for the next suitable, friendly alternatives. Got any ideas? Feel free to share them with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We’d love to hear from you.